Monday, March 10, 2008

10 Simple Tips to Prevent Bad Breath

Halitosis means foul or offensive-smelling breath. It comes from inside your mouth and is usually caused by not having proper dental hygiene such as brushing your teeth and flossing on a daily basis. The food that you consume sticks between your teeth, on your gums and tongue. So without proper dental care this will cause the food that sits in your mouth to rot and decay and in turn causes a foul smelling odor in your mouth. The food that sits in your mouth and in between your teeth causes bacteria to grow which can then lead to more serious complications such as gingivitis or gum disease. Gingivitis is also a cause of bad breath.
Do you or someone you know have a problem with bad breath? Bad breath is common and this is something that probably be easily controlled however it does take a lot of discipline along with good dental/mouth hygiene. It is also one of those things that is a little embarrassing so at times may not be so easy to approach an individual with it. I always advise people including myself to carry an extra pack of gum or mints for those moments that are unpleasant to the nose. Good Luck!

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