Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Neti Pot is Better & Cheaper than Drug Therapies for Nasal Irrigation

Inflammation of the sinuses is simply known as sinusitis and there may be many reasons for this including seasonal allergies or the common cold. Whatever the reason, the symptoms are annoying and aggravating. We have all been there trying to obtain immediate relief with over the counter nasal sprays, and medications. However, I have been told by friends, family and patients that the use of a Neti-Pot has alleviated their symptoms.
I personally have never used one but I have irrigated the sinuses of patients in the office in a similar fashion with a syringe. They too have stated that this has given them significant relief and from my understanding the long term cost of using a Neti-Pot is much less than pharmaceutical agents so I highly recommend looking into the Net-Pot for anyone with chronic nasal irritation.


TourPro said...

Funny thing, we've been watching Neti videos on YouTube and I bought one. My kids were fighting over who could 'do the Neti' first.

I was first introduced to nasal irrigation in Spain. My daughter was sick and they told us to buy a pressurized saline 'squirter'. Basically, it shot salty water up your nose. Effective, but crude.

The Neti takes it to a whole new level. Your really pouring water through your sinus. Pretty strange at first, but once you get used to it, no problem. It really washes out your head. I think I'll go do one right now.

Susan Cook said...

I have had sinus infections in the past. Not for a few years now, knock on wood, but if I get another one I heard these are good for them. A sinus infection was one of the most painful things I have ever had! Thanks for the info.

Kathleen Blanchard said...

Hi there!

It's so nice to know that there are alternatives. Personally, I can't stand the way I feel when I have to take medications. My sister uses hers faithfully during allergy season and has had great success.
Thanks Mags.

Arc4life said...

Great post about a great product. Sinuses, colds, runny noses- i have used this device and it is very effective. Great natural remedy.- N.J www.arc4life.blogspot.com